The Memory Read online

Page 13

  Elliot rolled the idea over in his head. Living right across the street from Geneva was enough incentive to jump on it, but–“I’m not sure I could run an outfit this big.”

  “You ran a company with over a hundred employees,” Rick reminded him. “Just think what it would do for the economy in this town.”

  Elliot recalled the desperate families he’d visited the other day with Geneva. Rick made sense. A vibrant, working campground could provide jobs in the rural area.

  “Think about it,” Rick called out as he hacked away at the tall grass bordering the lake. Adam pushed over the wheel barrel. Elliot helped his nephew load the cuttings to dump on the pile they’d made to haul off later.

  In the middle of the afternoon, Jewel and Peggy with Haley in tow came out with bottles of Gatorade for the guys. The women praised the work done on the property. It was shaping up nicely. The powdery, white sand was clean all the way around the swimming area. Only a few more feet of grass needed to be cut, but the men decided a break was due. Everyone gathered at a picnic table.

  Elliot asked Jewel what she thought about him buying the campground.

  “I think it’s a wonderful idea!” She listed several reasons. Peggy added her two cents. It became clear to Elliot that the idea had originated with his sister-in-law.

  Suddenly Russell started barking frantically from across the road. Every head turned toward the dog, bounding off Geneva’s porch. Her dog’s howl had sent Geneva running from the house.

  “Oh no!” Peggy screamed. Haley had wandered away from the group and was heading for the road. Rick and Elliot jumped up. Elliot was swifter than his brother and reached the roadside just as Geneva did on the opposite side. Haley’s attention was on Russell who stayed obediently by Geneva’s side. Behind Elliot were Rick, Peggy, an out-of-breath Jewel, and a tearful Adam.

  Haley had already made it half way across the road when a truck rumbled into view. Without thinking Elliot darted out and scooped Haley up in his arms then ran toward Geneva. The driver swerved to a stop, but hit Elliot just as he flung Haley to safety. Geneva was standing in the right spot to catch her. Elliot careened onto the grassy shoulder, rolled over a few times then stopped faced down, unconscious.

  Rick reached Elliot first after seeing that Haley was safe. He called 911 while Peggy ran to Haley, still clutched in Geneva’s arms. As soon as mother and daughter reunited, Geneva rushed to Elliot’s side. She and Rick checked him over, carefully. A gash on his head was bleeding, but his breathing and pulse seemed normal.

  Perry had heard the ruckus and came barreling out of his church office. He assisted a fretting Jewel to a shady spot out of harm’s way. The dash across the campground and road had taken her breath away, but seeing her son sprawled on the ground, hurt and bleeding, tore through her rapidly beating heart like a dagger. Perry put a consoling arm around her and gave her a gentle squeeze. When she calmed, Perry turned his attention to the driver. He recognized him from church. Josh Templeton had been unemployed for over eight months and had a sick wife and five children. This would only compound his troubles.

  “I’m sorry! I couldn’t stop in time!” Josh wailed to the group.

  Rick and Geneva attempted to calm him down, but were too distraught over Elliot and Haley. Perry rushed over. He guided the man to a safe spot not far from Jewel. Josh collapsed on the ground and wept. Jewel reached out to him.

  “This isn’t your fault, sir.” Her compassion won Perry’s heart. Jewel explained to the man how they had taken their eyes off Haley, and she had wandered off. It was bad judgment on their part which led to an accident. “You just happened to come along at the same time,” she told Josh. Perry consoled both of them while Peggy hugged Haley and Adam a few spaces away.

  Rick ran to Peggy’s aid. She assured Rick they were okay. Tears ran down Rick’s face as he returned to his brother. Some were from relief that his daughter had been saved, and some were from fear his brother may be dying.

  Geneva clutched Elliot’s hand. She leaned down and whispered. “Elliot, Elliot.”

  Elliot stirred and moaned. Everyone raced over and circled him. Ignoring the others, Geneva sobbed. “Elliot can you hear me? I love you, Elliot. Do you hear me, darling? I love you.” At this point, she didn’t care who heard. It may be the last time she’d utter those words.

  Elliot’s eyes flickered open at the sound of Geneva’s voice. He tried to focus, but the pain in his head was too excruciating. All he could do was groan. Everything from his mid-section up throbbed. His ragged thoughts flew to Haley.

  “H—Haley,” he gasped as a fireball of pain exploded inside his skull.

  “She’s fine, Elliot.” Rick put a hand on Elliot’s back to keep him still. “Don’t move.”

  Elliot heard his brother, but couldn’t respond. Darkness was folding over him. There was no fear or dread in him. Instead, a warm peace filled Elliot. He heard his mother’s sweet voice, praying over him as he slowly slipped into a deep, black chasm.

  He woke much later that night in a Gainesville hospital. A doctor and nurse hovered over him, calling to him. His family surrounded the bed while Geneva stood back. She realized they needed to be the first ones Elliot saw when he opened his eyes. Perry had remained in the waiting room with the two children.

  The doctor had already told them Elliot’s injuries weren’t life threatening. The cut on his head didn’t even require stitches, and there were no broken bones. They’d keep him overnight for observation, though, because of his recent head injury from a previous accident.

  Jewel spoke first. “We’ve been praying for you, Elliot. You did a very brave thing. I’m so proud of you, son.”

  “You gave us a scare, brother.” Rick wiped away the tear sliding down his broad nose. “I’ll never be able to repay you for what you did.”

  “Thank you for saving our baby girl, Elliot.” Peggy leaned over and kissed Elliot on the forehead, below the bandage.

  “Wh-what happened?” Elliot’s smile was crooked and his voice was scratchy, but his head didn’t hurt like it had before.

  “You were hit by a truck trying to save Haley,” Peggy told him. “Perry is watching her and Adam in the waiting room. I’ll bring them in later to visit.”

  “Perry?” Ridges of bafflement formed on Elliot’s forehead. “Perry who?”

  Silence fell across the room. Everyone turned to Geneva who had heard Elliot. Her expression went from worry to sorrow in a flash. She rushed out the door in tears, but not before she heard Elliot ask for Olivia. Her time with Elliot had come to an end.

  Geneva watched from her front window as Rick’s SUV pulled into the campground, bringing Elliot home from the hospital. Her eyes were dried. Every single tear had been shed during the night. Peggy had called her after Geneva had left the hospital with Perry the evening before. She had good and bad news. Elliot’s memories had returned. The doctor said the traumatic episode triggered them. Then came the bad news.

  “Does he remember me?” Geneva had asked in a shaky voice.

  “Not the recent you,” Peggy had answered, honestly. “I think you should visit him, Geneva. I’m sure your presence will bring things back to him.”

  But, Geneva wasn’t so sure. Peggy had gone on to say Elliot had no recollection of the campground or his project. All he could talk about was the company in Orlando and Olivia. That part broke Geneva’s heart.

  At least he’s alive, Geneva kept telling herself. It could have been worse. If Josh had been going faster or Elliot had been moving slower, the injuries would have certainly been worse. Haley would have been injured, too. Elliot had risked his life to save his niece. He was a hero in Geneva’s book. At least she’d told him she loved him. That consoled her some.

  Her gaze remained out the window for a few more minutes. She was about to turn when she saw Rick and Peggy crossing the road. They were coming to the house. Geneva met them on the porch. Her swollen eyes told them everything. They hugged her. She asked about Elliot first thing.<
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  “He’s going to be fine,” Rick replied. “Uh—he wants to return to Orlando right away. We’re leaving this afternoon.”

  “That soon?” Geneva slumped. “I shouldn’t be surprised. His home and memories are in Orlando.”

  “We’re so sorry, Geneva,” Peggy said with tears in her eyes. “Jewel sends her love and prayers. She admires the way you’re holding up under all this. It can’t be easy for you. We all heard what you told Elliot when he was out cold on the ground.”

  Rick put his arm around Geneva’s shoulders and drew her close. “We’re not going to let Elliot forget you, Geneva.”

  Geneva felt a fresh batch of tears sting beneath her eyelids. “Thank you both, but, I knew this day might come. I didn’t want it to, but I knew Elliot’s memories would return one day. I’m thankful he’s safe and healthy now. Whatever the Lord wants, will be. That’s the only way I can see things right now.”

  “Your strength is amazing,” Peggy said. “I’m not sure I could be as accepting if it was happening to me.”

  “Elliot and I talked about this many times,” Geneva explained. “It was a reality we lived with. That’s why we didn’t commit to each other or make any plans for the future. We knew our time together was fragile. I’ll be okay. I had Elliot for a few weeks. We made a lot of memories during that time that I won’t ever forget. He made me very happy.”

  After they left, Geneva retreated to her room and balled like a baby until she could cry no more. By then, the Starlings had left the campground and were well on their way back to Orlando. The lake project had been put on hold for the time being.

  The next two days were hard to get through for Geneva. Thankfully, the group of women registered that weekend was small and consisted of grandmotherly types. They were quick to pick up on Geneva’s sadness and spent the entire retreat, pampering her. Their good old-fashioned TLC boosted Geneva’s spirits. By Sunday afternoon, she felt better. In return for the ladies’ kindness, Geneva offered them each a free weekend anytime they wanted to come back.

  Monday morning, she started her spring cleaning, pushing Elliot Starling as far from her mind as possible. She couldn’t think of him anymore without seeing Olivia in his arms. When the next retreat came, she hid her woes behind a bubbly attitude. The weekend turned out to be a fun, uplifting time. The group was made up of single women her age. Their life stories were similar to hers. Geneva learned from them and drew from their strengths.

  Slowly, God was healing her broken heart by using her own ministry to help her. Geneva felt blessed despite missing Elliot more than she’d ever imagined she would. In truth, she really didn’t want to move on without him in her life, but she had no choice. Most of her days were spent in some state of silent prayer. Words weren’t necessary. She visualized herself crawling into God’s lap and crying in his arms while he held her. It gave her the simplest form of comfort and peace.

  As each day passed, Geneva came closer and closer to her old self. But, even though her grandfather urged her, she refused to go out or get involved with anyone to ease her loneliness. No one could replace Elliot Starling in her heart.

  Chapter 20

  Storm clouds gathered over the ocean off Summer Island. Geneva watched the sky darken from the porch of her rented beach shack. The volatile weather was long from bothering her. It would pass quickly then the sky would clear, and she would take a brisk walk along the shoreline. That had been the pattern three days in a row. She’d been on the island four days, trying to put her time with Elliot Starling into perspective so she could move on.

  Her grandfather had been right, suggesting she take a vacation. Rescheduling upcoming retreats had been difficult, but it was worth the trouble. The change of scenery did her soul good. Geneva found the sea air invigorating and stimulating, and the seclusion provided the tranquility and solitude she desperately needed. Her mind napped most of the time. She’d brought enough food, supplies, and reading material for two weeks. With no agenda, she was free to do whatever she wanted. The freedom was soul cleansing and liberating.

  Geneva stretched her legs out and propped her bare feet on a small plastic table in front of her matching chair. Lightning flashed and flickered over the water several times, scorching the salty air. When the storm moved closer, she’d go inside. No risk taker, she did enjoy the beauty of thunderstorms and loved to gaze on them with wonderment.

  After a few more long minutes, Geneva entered the little cottage. She refilled her glass of raspberry iced tea and plopped on the sofa by the window. Thunder shook the one-bedroom structure. The lightning had moved overhead, and she flinched each time it smacked, but she had no fear. She’d survived a broken heart. This was a piece of cake.

  The notion nudged Elliot into her thoughts. In three days, he would be married to Olivia Swanson. Geneva hoped they’d be happy, although the kind of marriage they were committing to didn’t seem conducive to happiness. According to Rick, Elliot and Olivia wanted an open marriage where each could live independently from the other if desired. They’d share their money and skills in order to advance their own personal kingdoms whatever that meant. Love, apparently, was not an important factor. They viewed love as a weakness which interfered with their aspirations.

  Rick and Peggy had kept Geneva updated on Elliot after he returned to Orlando. From them, she learned Elliot never remembered being in Holly Park. His only memory of Geneva was from the past. He had no recollection of being with her recently. Nor did he speak of her as if he’d ever had feelings for her, which baffled Geneva. She’d thought their love was stronger than that.

  As soon as Elliot had returned to Orlando, he had picked up where he’d left off which meant he didn’t attend church services, and he didn’t visit the family, either. They were all heartbroken, and like Geneva, mystified by the turn of events. They’d been sure God had allowed the first amnesia to change Elliot’s ways.

  For weeks, Geneva held out hope Elliot would remember his love for her the way he had the first time. She had prayed something would click in his heart, and he would rush back to her. It would have been a perfect, storybook-happy ending, but it wasn’t to be, so she gave up on the fantasy. At least she’d had the few weeks with him. She could live with that the rest of her life.

  Enough of Elliot! Geneva scolded herself. She was here for rest and renewal, not rehashing old worries and pain. As soon as the storm passed, she dressed and strolled into the nearby village to shop and have dinner.

  “Why are you just sitting there, staring?” Olivia lashed out at Elliot when they reached the restaurant parking lot. “You’ve been acting peculiar since we hit that dog!”

  “We didn’t hit the dog, Olivia,” Elliot blared, exasperated. “I hit the dog!”

  The animal had darted out between two parked cars onto the narrow street right in front of Elliot. He’d hit the brakes just in time, but still knocked the dog down. Despite Olivia’s objections, Elliot drove the dog to a nearby vet and dropped it off. The vet ensured him they would try to locate the owner, but the dog wore no collar and was in distress, which probably meant he was a stray. Elliot took the vet’s card and promised to call the next day then left. He hadn’t been right since. A well of odd memories sprang from the incident, leaving him discombobulated.

  “You didn’t kill him so what’s the big deal?” Olivia charged. “He was just some stray, running loose. Good grief! Why are you so upset? You don’t even like dogs!” Olivia powdered the shine on her nose for the umpteenth time since they’d left the apartment.

  “What are you talking about,” Elliot quipped. “Of course I like dogs.” Don’t I?

  Olivia swiveled her head at him. “Since when?”

  “Since—” Elliot paused as a little brown mutt materialized in his memory. “Since Russell.”

  “Russell? Who’s Russell?” Olivia’s brittle voice flicked away the image in Elliot’s head like a bug.

  “I’m not sure.” Elliot mumbled, trying to hold on to the memory.
r />   “Let’s go inside,” Olivia demanded. “Claire and Malcolm are probably wondering where we are.”

  Elliot grimaced. He didn’t like their company. They were shallow, arrogant, and frustratingly petty.

  “What was that look for?” Olivia snapped. “Claire and Malcolm are our best friends.”

  Elliot shook his head. “I don’t know. I’m not feeling well all of a sudden.” He massaged his temple where a throb had appeared.

  “Pull yourself together, Elliot!” Olivia snarled. “We’re not backing out of dinner. I bought this new outfit for the occasion, and we’re going inside. I’m starving. I’ve worked all day, and I deserve dinner out.”

  Elliot forced himself to get out of the car and escort Olivia into the posh restaurant. Claire and Malcolm were already at the table and fussed about their tardiness. Elliot apologized.

  “Just as long as you’re not late for the wedding,” Malcolm joked.

  Elliot smiled, but his stomach lurched. I can’t marry Olivia. I don’t love her. I love— the thought blurred into oblivion. Beads of sweat dotted his forehead as he strained to recover the lost memory.

  “You look awful!” Claire blurted.

  Olivia rolled her eyes, unsympathetically. “What’s wrong now, Elliot?”

  “I’m fine,” he lied. Something was splitting him in half. Hitting the dog had not only triggered a chain of disconnected memories, but emotions as well. Snatches of scenes and images flickered on and off in his head. The more they clicked in his forefront, the more he disliked the company he was in.

  Sitting through the meal became torturous, but not knowing what was happening to him was worse. His behavior angered Olivia. She chastised him as soon as they got in the car to leave.

  “Well, that was certainly embarrassing! You humiliated me!”

  “I’m sorry, Olivia, but I told you I didn’t feel well. You insisted we go on with our plans.”

  “You owe an apology to Claire and Malcolm. Call them as soon as we get home and promise to take them out again. The next time you can remember your manners and stay focused on your company.”